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> 有關於人生的英文說說心情短語


一、Retaining a childish heart is a matter of pride童心未泯,是一件值得驕傲的事情。

二、我不想再慣性失落。I dont want to inertial loss

三、The light at the end is worth the pain當你最後看到那絢麗的光芒,就會明白,所有的痛,都是值得的。

四、有一天,你的微笑,或許就能成為照耀在別人心靈裡的一縷陽光。One day, your smile, perhaps can become a ray of sunshine shine in others mind

五、When your mood is very easy to be influenced by another person, you know, he means a lot to you當你的心情很容易被另一個人所影響時,你便會知道,他對你意義非凡。

六、Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear真正的勇者不是沒有恐懼,而是帶著恐懼依然前行。

七、青春是一場無知的奔忙,總會留下顛沛流離的傷。Youth is a ignorant and moving, always leaves drift from place to place

八、I never take the initiative, but every day I will find you---我向來不主動,卻每天都會找你。

九、Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards經驗是個很苛刻的老師,因為她總是一上來就把你考倒,然後才給你上課。

十、時光,就這樣在我們回首追尋中,兜兜轉轉間,一去不返。Time, so in pursueing we look back, for a walk, never look back

十一、能改的,叫做缺點;不能改的,叫做弱點。Can change, called the shortcomings; Cant change, called the weakness

十二、If youre in pitch blackness, all you can do is sitting tight until your eyes get used to the dark如果你掉進了黑暗裡,你能做的,不過是靜心等待,直到你的雙眼適應黑暗。

十三、Winners do what losers dont want to do勝利者做失敗者不願意做的事!

十四、Even if the sky again, but has been deep love haze就算天空再深,愛情卻一直陰霾。

十五、Sometimes you have to give up on someone in order to respect yourself有時候我們必須放棄一些人,來成全自己的自尊。

十六、You are not brave, no one for you to be strong你不勇敢,沒人替你堅強。

十七、通過認識到那些引起焦慮的事物並不重要可以緩解大部分憂慮。 A great many worries can be diminished by realizing the unimportance of the matter which is causing anxiety

十八、命運待我,這等優渥。以至於歲月是否寬巨集,已不足為念。Fate to me, such a lucrativeThat time, whether the enlarged has been insufficient to read

十九、Most people discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are ones mistakes大多數人發現他們從未後悔的事情只是他們的錯誤,但發現時已經太晚了。

二十、I only wish to face the sea, with spring flowers blossoming我只願面朝大海,春暖花開。

二十一、You know, you can tell a lot from a persons voice從一個人的聲音可以知道他是怎樣的人

二十二、Is your pale I wait,irony my obsession是你蒼白了我的等待,諷刺了我的執著。

二十三、Real friends dont get offended when you call them bad names; they smile and call you something more offensive真正的朋友在你損他們的時候不會生氣,他們只會笑著回敬你更損的話。

二十四、不要因為走得太遠,忘了我們為什麼出發。Dont go too far, forget why we set out

二十五、You dont laugh tears away你別笑了眼淚都掉了

二十六、我想我還是不夠成熟,沒辦法為自己那顆浮躁的心,波瀾不驚地掌舵I dont think Im still not mature enough, can the heart blundering, for himself off peacefully at the helm

二十七、No matter how strong you are,someone will always be your fatal無論你有多堅強,總有人是你的致命傷。

二十八、Dont look back, just havent found leave your reasons不回頭,只是還沒找到留下的理由。

二十九、You smiled, once; for a lifetime, Im obsessed你微笑一下子,我著迷一輩子。

三十、Slander is spokenIn print, its libel中傷是口語,印出來就是誹謗。


標籤: 人生
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