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> 各种花的英文 各种鲜花的英语怎么写

各种花的英文 各种鲜花的英语怎么写


iris蝴蝶花cockscomb鸡冠花honeysuckle金银花chrysanthemum菊花carnation康乃馨orchid兰花canna美人蕉jasmine茉莉花daffodil水仙花peony牡丹begonia秋海棠cactus仙人掌christmas flower圣诞花/一品红poppy罂粟tulip郁金香chinese rose月季violet紫罗兰peach flower桃花aloe芦荟mimosa含羞草dandelion蒲公英plum bolssom梅花中国水仙 new year lily石榴 pomegranate月桂victor's laurel报春花 polyanthus木棉 cotton tree紫丁香 lilac吊钟 lady's eardrops紫荆 Chinese redbud百合 lily紫罗兰 wall flower桃花 peach紫藤 wisteria杜鹃 azalea铃兰 lily-of-the-valley牡丹 tree peony银杏 ginkgo芍药 peony蝴蝶兰 moth orchid辛夷 violet magnolia蟹爪仙人掌 Christmas cactus玫瑰 rose郁金香 tulip茶花 common camellia千日红 common globe-amaranth非洲堇 African violet栀子花 cape jasmine木槿 rose of Sharon风信子 hyacinth百子莲 African lily牵牛花 morning glory君子兰 kefir lily荷包花 lady's pocketbook含笑花 banana shrub非洲菊 African daisy含羞草 sensitive plant茉莉 Arabian jasmine猪笼草 pitcher plant凌霄花 creeper树兰 orchid tree康乃馨coronation鸡冠花 cockscomb荷花lotus鸢萝 cypress vine菩提 botree大理花 dahlia圣诞百合 Christmas bell一串红 scarlet sage紫薇 crape myrtle勿忘我 forget-me-not睡莲 water lily文心兰 dancing lady吊兰 spider plant白头翁 pappy anemone向日葵 sunflower矢车菊 cornflower竹 bamboo金鱼草 snapdragon夹竹桃 oleander金盏花 pot marigold月季花 china rose金银花 honeysuckle长春花 old maid金莲花 garden nasturtium秋海棠begonia非洲凤仙 African touch-me-not美人蕉 canna曼陀罗 angel's trumpet晚香玉 tuberose梅花 flowering apricot野姜花 ginger lily圣诞红 common poinsettia菊花 chrysanthemum虞美人 Iceland poppy昙花 epiphyllum鸢尾 iris龙胆 royal blue腊梅 winter sweet麒麟花 crown of thorns木芙蓉 cotton rose九重葛 paper flower火鹤花 flamingo flower三色堇 tricolor viola嘉德丽亚兰 cattleya 菊花 chrysanthemum 简称mum 花语:You're a wonderful friend! 你是个不错的朋友! 勿忘我 forget- me -not 花语: 永恒的友谊 eternal friendship 黄花夹竹桃 yellow oleander 花语: 深刻的友情 profound friendship 白色美人蕉 white canna: 花语:“友谊” friendship 欧洲浦菊(European daisy) 花语:友谊(friendship) 绣球花(LAURUSTINUS) 花语:希望(HELP)野滥楼花(GROUNDSEL) 花语:睿智(WISDOM)波斯鸢尾花(PERSIAN FLEUR DE LYS) 花语:华丽(GORGEOUS)榛(HAZEL) 花语:和解(SETTLEMENT)生日花:熊掌花(BEARSFOOT) 花语:繁荣(PROSPERITY)螺旋藓苔(SCREW MOSS) 花语:静(PEACE) 月桂树(BAY LAUREL) 花语:骄傲(PRIDE) 韭菜花(LEAK) 花语:奉献(SERVICE) 山木蓝(ANNUAL MERCURY) 花语:变革(REFORM) 红石竹(RED CAMPION) 花语:友好(FRIENDSHIP) 黄玫瑰(YELLOW ROSE) 花语:幸运(GOOD FORTUNE) 西洋龙牙草(AGRIMONY) 花语:撒娇(DO LIKE A BABY) 白花曼佗罗(THORN——APPLE) 花语:适度(MODERATELY) 牟庆草(LIVELONG SEDUM) 花语:积蓄(STORE) 雪莲花(AUTUMN SNOWFLAKE) 花语:海风(SEA WIND) 月桂树(LAURUSTINUS) 花语:灵巧(SKILLFULNESS) 腐肉花(CARRION FLOWER) 花语:自我主张(SELF——CONTENTION)。

各种鲜花的英语怎么写 各种花的英文

我把我知道的说一下吧,不是很多,希望能对你有帮助: nflower(向日葵) nsy(三色堇) rnation(康乃馨) ly(百合花) erry blossom(樱花) alea(杜鹃花) smos(大波斯菊) 8。

dahlia(大理花) ach blossom(桃花) eesia(鸢尾花) 11。hydrangea(绣球花) 12。

tulip(郁金香) rysanthemum(菊花) olet(紫罗兰) mellia(茶花) 16。 sweet pea(麝香豌豆) 17。

hyacinth(风信子) ly of the valley(铃兰) 19。daisy(雏菊) 20。

dandelion(蒲公英) 21。lotus(莲) 22。

daffodil(水仙花) 23。 orchid(兰花) rning-glory(牵牛花) 25。

ume(梅花) se(玫瑰)。


彼岸花 Legend, long long time ago, a city border opens full vast Man pearl sand China , is just a Faramita flower, its fragrance of a flower has one kind of magic power , can let person remember self previous existence thing. Defending the Faramita flower's is two alluring women , one is that the flower evil spirit shouts the Man pearl , one is that the leaf evil spirit shouts sand China. But they have guarded marquis several Faramita in 1000 flowers, not have met all along , do not have a leaf because of the moment blooming,will not have when having a leaf. They are being missed each other frenzied , are being caused suffering to and by this agony. One day, they finally decide to go against magical regulation seeing a secretly. The green causing an eye is setting off that brilliant red Man for 1 year pearl sand China perianth , Kaide is especially pretty and coquettish beautiful. Gods and spirits crime comes down , this is also in accordance with expectation. The Man pearl and sand China are infiltrated into a transmigration, and are cursed to be able to together forever neither, accepting a tribulation generation after generation here below. From that, Man pearl sand China also lets the other shore spend , show appreciation being to open the flower in Uranian, the multicolored form resembles the palm in praying to Heaven, in but the city also had not appeared in this. This flower is to come untied in netherworld on the way , the Man pearl and every sand China reincarnation self smelting multicolored scent of Faramita on the way being therefore likely to remember previous existence in netherworld, swear then not parting , my once falls into the transmigration cursing once again. 传说,很久很久以前,一个城市的边缘开满了大片大片的曼珠沙华,也就是彼岸花,它的花香有一种魔力,可以让人想起自己前世的事情。

守护彼岸花的是两个妖精,一个是花妖叫曼珠,一个是叶妖叫沙华。 他们守侯了几千年的彼岸花,可是从来没有见过面,因为开花的时候,就没有叶子,有叶子的时候就没有。


那一年的曼珠沙华红艳艳的花被惹眼的绿色衬托着,开得格外妖冶美丽。 神怪罪下来,这也是意料之中的。



标签: 英语 鲜花
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