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> 經典英語怎麼寫


1. 讀經典書的重要性英語作文怎麼寫

The Importance of Reading Classics


It is widely acknowledged that reading classics is both important and beneficial to the character development and personal growth of the young people. As for me, nothing can bring more joy and happiness than reading those masterpieces created by great figures like Confucius and Cao Xueqin. I believe works like The Dream in the Red Chamber and The Legend of Three Kingdoms can drastically elevate one's aesthetic taste and deepen the understanding of the glorious history of Chinese culture.

However, the modern society is full of temptations. Compared with TV soap operas, sport events, and video games, classical literary works are old fashioned and time consuming. In bookstores, “Fast-food” reading materials are replacing classics, and young writers with sensational and “cool” remarks win the support of a large number of fans.

we college students should be fully aware of the important role the classics play in broadening one's vision. Therefore, we should start reading and studying the treasuries our ancestors center and absorbing the essence of those classical works. We should also advocate to the public the importance of classics so that an increasing number of general people can enjoy the pleasure of reading





2. 英語怎麼寫


一、多“説”。 自己多創造機會與英語教師多講英語,見了同學,尤其是和好朋友在一起時儘量用英語去問候,談心情……這時候你需隨身攜帶一個英漢互譯小詞典,遇到生詞時查一下這些生詞,也不用刻意去記,用的多了,這個單詞自然而然就會記住。

千萬別把學英語當成負擔,始終把它當成一件有趣的事情去做。 或許你有機會碰上外國人,你應大膽地上去跟他打招呼,和他談天氣、談風景、談學校……只是別問及他的年紀,婚史等私人問題。



如果沒有合適的夥伴也沒關係,你可以拿過一本書或其它什麼東西做假想對象,對它談你一天的所見所聞,談你的快樂,你的悲傷等等,長此堅持下去你的口語肯定會有較大的提高。 二、多“聽” 尋找一切可以聽英語的機會。

別人用英語交談時,你應該大膽地去參與,多聽聽各種各樣人的發音,男女老少,節奏快的慢的你都應該接觸到,如果這樣的機會少的話,你可以選擇你不知內容的文章去聽,這將會對你幫助很大,而你去聽學過的課文的磁帶,那將會對你的語言語調的學習有很大的幫助。 三、多“讀”。



另一種是“朗讀”這是學語言必不可少的一種學習途徑。 四、多“寫” 有的同學總是抱怨時間緊,根本沒時間寫作文。


這樣即可幫你記住這個詞的用法,又可以鍛鍊你的寫作能力 學習英語不用花大塊的時間,10分鐘的散步可以練"説",吃完飯後可以讀一會兒英語小説,睡前聽幾分鐘英語,可以使你得到更好地休息……只要你每天抽出一些時間來練英語,你的英語成績肯定會很快提高的。 方法二: 常有人問:學英語有什麼訣竅?説老實話,要想掌握一種語言,在缺乏必要的語言環境的條件下,實在沒有什麼捷徑可走。









儘管在中學時我的英語基礎不錯,但剛跨入大學校門的時候,我還是深深地感到了自己的差距。 要具備一定的聽、説、讀、寫能力,首先要掌握五千到八千詞彙。




這些文章涉及的範圍很廣,包括了多個領域的詞彙。 我通常採取“兩遍閲讀法”,即第一遍着重訓練閲讀能力,第二遍着重擴大詞彙量並培養語感。

起初進行閲讀訓練時,我參考了《Active Readers》這本書。 首先從提高閲讀速度入手。


在第一遍閲讀過程中,我將重點放在訓練速度,掌握文章大意及基本結構上,並找出問題,以便進一步閲讀時着重解決。 第二遍閲讀的重點有兩個:一是擴大詞彙量。


3. 求寫英語作文經典的句子

(1) with the (rapidly)growing popularity of (computers/private cars) in China,the quality of our lives has been considerably changed。

(2) With the (rapid)growth of (our economy/population),many problems such as (water shortages/waste of energy/lack of professionals and chaotic management)are beginning to surface (3) With the development of (science and technology/market economy),more and more/an increasing number of people come to realize that … (4) Currently there is a widespread/serious concern over (illegal publication/drug abuse/negative influence of western cultures). (5) Nowadays ,a heated debated/discussion about…is under way in China .some people believe that …,whereas others argue that… (6) There are some reasons for owning (private cars/ personal computers).To begin with,…Next,…Last,…There are, on the other hand, many reasons against it, First,…Second,…Finally,… (7) There are many advantages and disadvantages in(owning a car). (8) There are various /at least three ways/possible techniques/problems/methods to do something (9) Smoking/Alcoholic beverage should be banned from college campuses for toe reasons. The first reason is that …The second reason is that …/On the one hand ,… On the other hand,… (10) The possible solutions of (the energy crisis/water shortages/these social problems)depend on three factors… (11) The tow major reasons responsible for(the rapid economic growth /the widespread of fake products )are… 2.常用於結尾的短語、句式 (1) It is hoped that we should place much emphasis on/pay more attention to 。

(2) To conclude,we can see that (the best way/the possible solution)is。

(3) In short,(shortages of water,decrease of fertile fields and environmental pollution)are the major problems to be solved to(increase rain production)。 (4) In order to make our world a better place in which to live we should make great efforts to。

(5) In a word ,there are three suggestions we must follow ,only in this way can we(achieve a great success)。 (6) It is time for us to take an active part in。

(7) Let us work hand in hand in hand to(solve these social problems) 3.陳述或論證觀點、看法(view,point,opinion)、原因(reason、cause)、方法、手段、措施、步驟。


)、因素(factor)、利弊、優缺點(advantage,disadvantage)時常用的詞語、句式: (1)引述段落提出問題時常用的句式、詞語: 。


There are many reasons why。

的原因如下;The reasons why 。

are as follows 我的看法是。

My opinion is that (2)展開段落論證時常用的句式、詞語: ①、第一層次(首先)First,Firstly,In the first place,First of all ,To begin with,For one thing。 我的第一理由是。

My first reason is that。


The main factor is that 。

②第二層次(其次)Second ,Secondly,In the Second place,Next,Then,For another, 另一種方法是。

Another means of 。

is to do。


the second solution is that。

③第三層次(第三點)Third,a thirdly,besides,in addition,furthermore,what is more important (3)總結性段落常用句式、詞語: 最後一點 last,lastly,finally,in the last place ,last of all,in short,in brief 簡言之 in a word ,in summary,to sum up 總之, in conclusion,on the whole,altogether,in all 因此, so,thus,hence,therefore。Consequently,for thee reasons 結果, in consequence,as a result 由此可見。

it will be seen from it that 如上所述,我們可以得出結論。

as has been said above,we can conclude/make a conclusion/draw a conclusion/reach a conclusion come to a conclusion that。

(4)將事物的正反、好壞兩方面,或者將兩種不同事物進行比較,對比時常用的句式、短語: 然而 while ,whereas,but,however,nevertheless 儘管如此 in spite of that,despite all this 但在另一方面 but on the other hand 與。

相比 in/by in comparison with。

/as compare with。

對比之下 by/in contrast 與。

相反 as opposed to。

/instead of。

相反 on the contrary,instead 他們的區別如下 The differences are as follows;the differences can be described as follows A與B之間的不同在於。

the differences between A and B is /lies in/exists in/consists in。

;A is different from B in。

標籤: 英語
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