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> argument怎麼寫


1. Argument的開頭應該怎麼寫

Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to beanswered in order to decide whether the advice and the argument on which itis based are reasonable你要注意到它題目下面有要求的Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluatethe argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthenthe argument,換個表達方式和組織方式,關鍵是梳理清楚作者的邏輯鏈,你根據他的要求改一下表達方式.比如他問你assumption,你就寫the argument assume that.However,the assumption .如果讓你question.Be sure to explain how the argument depends on theseassumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptionsprove unwarranted.Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to beanswered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the argument onwhich it is based are reasonable.Be sure to explain how the answers to thesequestions would help to evaluate the recommendation.it is possible.實際上.部分的內容都是表達的一個意思,你就we may ask that .如果讓你evidence.總共有這些要求.建議你看看OG上的範文和要求,很清晰.開頭.一定不能按照同一套路寫,作者是基於什麼來得到他的結論的,你就without evidence suggest that.Be sure to explain how the answers to these questionswould help to evaluate the advice.Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to beanswered in order to decide whether the recommendation is likely to have thepredicted result.Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions wouldhelp to evaluate the recommendation.Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptionsof the argument,要根據這些要求的不同對你的文章做改動.其實找的錯都是一樣的,要改動,也就是題幹論述裡的推理過程.Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to beanswered in order to decide whether the prediction and the argument on whichit is based are reasonable.Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to beaddressed in order to decide whether the conclusion and the argument onwhich it is based are reasonable.Be sure to explain how the answers to thequestions would help to evaluate the conclusion.Be sure to explain how the answers to these questionswould help to evaluate the prediction.Write a response in which you discuss one or more alternative explanationsthat could rival the proposed explanation and explain how your explanation(s)can plausibly account for the facts presented in the argument 展開。

2. argument 的末段怎麼寫

一般都是以To sum up打頭,因為詞數多字母少。然後後面可以寫the author fails to give convincing support to make the argument invulnerable之類的套句一句,然後稍微加一句總結的話也可以。最好還可以有進一步改進論證的建議,比如To make the argument more convincing, the author had better ……之類的,上chasedream之類的論壇看看一些別人寫的可能會有啟發。


3. 備考GRE作文 arguement怎麼寫

新GRE作文:方法是關鍵 新GRE寫作要求考生在30分鐘+30分鐘內分別完成Issue task和Argument task兩篇文章,它是美國所有作文考試中時間最長而質量要求最高的一類作文考試。


題量大,時間緊,考生根本無法一題題地去準備,所以有效的備考方法才是關鍵。 Issue:準備提綱 Issue要求考生根據所給的題目,完成一篇表明立場的邏輯立論文。



因此要多讀歷史,積累例子,尤其關注那些重要的哲學家、科學家、藝術家、政治領袖等人的生平事蹟、主要貢獻。例如Issue裡的這樣一道真題:“Truly profound thinkers and highly creative artists are always out of step with their time and their society。”


因此讀歷史積累寫作素材,具體說就是論據素材是拿高分的一個重要環節。 另外,寫提綱對於Issue部分的備考是至關重要的,也是最佔用時間、最核心的一個環節。




Argument:掌握邏輯 Argument要求考生分析所給題目,完成一篇駁論文,指出並且有力地駁斥題目中的主要邏輯錯誤。Argument部分,首先要熟悉每一個題目,找出主要的邏輯錯誤,也就是Argument題目的提綱,同時每一個邏輯錯誤準備一套語言套路去說。

寫完每一個題目的提綱後,寫10-15篇完整的文章(語言能力弱的話,可以增加寫作量),找partner幫你改,知道錯誤以後再重寫。 有些考生寫GRE文章,喜歡用專業性的邏輯用語,其實沒有必要,就事論事比較好。

在批駁的時候為了顯得有力,可以多用用for example、it is possible that、it is likely that之類的句型,因為Argument就是挑錯與找茬的過程。如果實在覺得錯誤不好找,那麼就根據每一句話批,基本上,每一個表示原因的句子中都可能存在邏輯錯誤。



難度: Issue>Argument 總的來看,Issue難度高於Argument。對於考生來說,Issue比Argument要求擁有更紮實的寫作功底和更嚴密的邏輯思維。


相比之下,Argument內容相對單一(出錯的邏輯型別比較少),題目中給了考生更多的提示資訊,因此提高Argument成績容易一些。 參照ETS評過分的範文,我們不難發現:無論Issue還是Argument在評分標準上都有共同之處:第一,觀點要有深度,論證要有說服力;第二,組織要有條理,表達清晰準確;第三,語言流利,句式複雜,詞彙豐富。


4. 一篇好argument essay怎麼寫

其實,對於Argument Essay來講,最重要步驟在於:破題。



第一層:This argument concludes/recommends/argues that…

第二層:To support this conclusion the writer cites…/points out that…

第三層:However, this argument suffers from several critical flaws and is therefore unconvincing/ unpersuasive as it stands.


One problem with the argument is that, the editorial observes a correlation between… and …, then concludes that the former is the cause of the latter. However, the editorial fails to rule out other possible explanations for…For example,… Any of these factors, or other social, political or economic factors, might lead to…Without ruling out all other such factors it is unfair to conclude that…

第五段:結尾段。作者的結論似乎是合理的,但是通過論證,不是這樣的。因此作者在做出決定之前,應該還要考慮其他情況。我們通過一篇文章作為例項來介紹Argument Essay的論證步驟和論證方法以及文章結構。

In the final analysis, the letter's author fails to adequately support there commendation that…To bolster the argument, the arguer must provide detailed demo graphic/statistical evidence showing that…The author must also provide evidence–perhaps by way of a reliable survey—that…

5. 議論文中counter

counter arguments




If you disagree, fine, but please give counter-arguments and facts to supportthem.



Where are the counter-arguments to those calling for banks to be nationalized,for example?


標籤: argument
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