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> 新建的英文怎么写



create(create new directory)


directory是dos里的说法,我刚才查了我的计算机书,发现Windows不这么说了。Windows里就变成create(create new folder)了。


真自信啊。我是英语专业的。。信不信由你。实在不行。。。你就买个英文系统自己瞧瞧吧,要不然怎么说你也不信,要么你买个计算机教材自己看!!!!!!照你这么说NEW也干脆别用了,咱们买个新衣服还用new clothes呢,系统难道就得用recently manufactured??!!术语不可否认是确确实实存在的,不过不可能搞科研的用的词汇就像天书一样,老外追求的不总是华丽的词语,又不是演讲,有时候就要用简单的词语表达复杂的意思!!纳尼亚传奇里面,一句台词“我们会占领纳尼亚的”原文是We will take Narnia,而占领的最标准说法是occupy,The Princess Bride里面“更容易吸收”用的是go down easier,怎么不用digest,intake?

我也不敢吹牛我的就一定对,毕竟我看的是教材,也没用过英文原版的系统。但是你要想说服我,除非你亲眼见过英文系统敢拍着胸脯跟我保证说,英文系统里用的不是new folder!!!


新增的英文:newly increased


1、新增固定资产 new fixed assets; newly acquired fixed assets; newly increased fixed assets; additions to fixed assets;

2、新增国民收入 sum of newlygained national income;

3、新增积累资金 newly increased accumulation funds;

4、新增价值 newly-increased value;

5、新增人口 additional population; newly-born population; recently added population;

6、新增生产能力 new productive capacity;

7、新增消费资金 newly increased consumption funds;

8、新增效益 new returns; new efficacy; new capacity;


newly 读法 英 ['njuːlɪ] 美 ['nuli]

adv. 最近;重新;以新的方式


1、newly-made product 新产品

2、newly oiled 刚浸过油的(才灌油的。

3、newly caught fish 刚捕获的鱼

4、the newly rich 暴发户(阶层)。


1、She was young at the time, and newly married.


2、The newly published American novel sold like hot cakes.



Dear Professor: I really want to go to。

college because I know it's a college that …………(写一些你为什么喜欢这所大学或者你为什么想去e.g. I'm keep dreaming about and I also find a lot of information about the school online which just made fall in love with this school).But my tofel score is not that engaging, well I think about the reasons why I haven't got a good grade in Tofel test yet, and I found two reasons below: First, I really don't have enough time to prepare the test, it's only been a month since I start known about Tofel and take the test. Well even worse is that what I learn from my high school can't help with the tofel test because what we actually do for the English class at school is learning about grammer and remember tons of vocabulary. And the tofel test is more flexible, in order to get a pleased score in tofel test we have to have comprehensive abilities such as good at listening speaking and writing. So a month is too tight for me to learn all of them.Second, ……is my first try, I knew nothing about how everything would go before the test so I felt really nervous. And this really influnced my normal play. When I saw my grade I was really upset about it. So I try my best and I'm very lucky that I got another chance at …… And I belive that I can get a commendable grade at this time. At last, I want to say some thing about myself. When I was 8 years old my mom died and my dad has his own business so that he don't have enought time to take care of me even though he was trying his best to gave me a good living space. But those didn't make me down. Like my friends always say that I'm an outgoing and humorous girl and also very independently, because since my mom died I tried to take care of myself and study and live all by myself. And my school grades are always really high. So I can say that I do have enough abilitles to get a high score in the coming test, all I need is a little bit more time. And I will contact you and let you know my score as soon as it comes out. I really really hope you could give me another chance, because go to ……(大学名)is my dream since I was very young! So please give me a chance and let me show you how good I am.。


建(建筑) build; construct; erect:建电站 build a power station新建的工厂 newly-built factory重建家园 rebuild one's homeland大楼边上又扩建了一些教室。

Extra classrooms were built out from the main block.这座碑是为纪念他而建的。 The monument was erected in his honour.(建立; 设立; 成立) establish; set up; found:建校 found a school建新功 make new contributions唐代建都长安。

The Tang Dynasty made Chang'an its capital.(提出; 首倡) propose; advocate(指福建) of Fujian Province:建漆 Fujian lacquerware(姓氏) a surname:建公 Jian Gong。

标签: 新建
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