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> 六一祝福語英語怎麼寫 六一兒童節英語祝福語

六一祝福語英語怎麼寫 六一兒童節英語祝福語

六一兒童節英語祝福語 六一祝福語英語怎麼寫

1、童心不泯,天天開心!Heart is still, every day happy!

2、願幸福甜蜜蜜、快樂樂陶陶。May happiness sweet honey and happiness be covered.

3、兒童節快樂、開心永遠永遠。Happy childrens day, happy forever.

4、童趣童真迴歸,揚眉開心開味!Tong qu tong zhen regression, eyebrow happy taste!

5、六一兒童節,願快樂為你呈現!June 1 childrens day, may happiness present for you!

6、願你永駐花般笑顏!兒童節快樂!You would like to spend as smile! Happy childrens day!

7、預祝老小孩們節日快樂,無憂無慮!Wish old children a happy holiday, so carefree!

8、兒童節玩得開心,老頑童快悅舒心。Have a happy childrens day, the old urchin yue shu xin.

9、兒童節,祝你重回童年,快樂相連!Happy childrens day, I wish you were a boy again, connected!

10、兒童節,願你放下包袱,簡單生活。Childrens day, wish you to put down the burden, the simple life.

11、兒童節到了,送你一顆快樂的童心!Childrens day is coming, send you a happy heart!

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