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最高檔 top gear

最高檔 top gear

作為電視節目,Top Gear 是英國廣播公司(BBC)的一檔汽車節目。該節目於1977年首次播出,旨在為汽車愛好者提供相關的娛樂和資訊。節目特點是將汽車評測、旅遊和娛樂活動相結合,以幽默詼諧的方式呈現給觀眾。

Top Gear 在一定程度上創造了一個汽車娛樂界的“最高檔”標準。其文化影響在全球範圍內都有著顯著的存在,甚至出現了很多類似的節目,如美國的 Top Gear 等。其中,Top Gear 最高檔的特色在於許多瘋狂的汽車挑戰,如在沿著絲綢之路駕駛跑車,或者走遍非洲草原等。

此外,Top Gear 還在全球範圍內舉行了多次原創的賽車活動,如旨在讓汽車愛好者體驗賽車運動的 Top Gear Track Day。

總之,Top Gear 可以說是汽車節目中的佼佼者,它不僅憑藉其獨特的風格所帶來的全球影響,更是讓汽車愛好者們有了一個專業的資訊來源和嚴肅的娛樂手段。


《瘋狂汽車秀 最高檔 Top Gear 第1-22季》免費線上觀看完整版高清,求百度網盤資源

《瘋狂汽車秀 最高檔 Top Gear 第1-22季》百度網盤高清資源免費線上觀看:


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《巔峰拍檔 第二十二季 Top Gear Season 22》

主演: Jeremy Clarkson、Richard Hammond、James May

型別: 喜劇、運動、脫口秀

製片國家/地區: 英國

語言: 英語

上映日期: 2015-01-25

季數: 22

集數: 8

片長: 60 min

又名: 瘋狂汽車秀

Top Gear will return on Jan. 25th, 2015.

Top Gear是什麼意思

《Top Gear》是英國BBC電視臺出品的一檔汽車節目,雖然是一個汽車節目,但它相對於平時我們在電視上看到的“汽車雜誌”之類的廣告或節目有著天堂與地獄之間的差。思維跳躍的編導,好萊塢水平的專業攝影,匪夷所思的試車創意,還有那三個聞名世界的大嘴和一位從不說話的神祕試車手Stig。觀看Top Gear,你不僅是在看一個單純的汽車節目,很多時候更像是在欣賞一部令你熱血沸騰的大製作電影!

top gear怎麼讀

英 [tɔp ɡiə] 美 [tɑp ɡɪr]

n. 高速擋


1. They cruised along in top gear . 他們駕車高速行駛。


2. If you try to start off in top gear you'll stall. 要是剛一發動就用最高擋,那就會熄火。


3. The party organization is moving into top gear as the election approaches. 隨著選舉臨近,黨組織的活動也如火如荼。


4. He was driving in top gear when the accident happened. 車禍發生時他正用高速檔行駛。


5. Let you spend the same money, enjoys top gear's service! 讓您花同樣的錢,享受最高檔的服務!

高分求,《Top Gear最高檔》有木有1到8季的中文字幕資源?提供可用資源再加30分

《Top Gear 第8季》百度網盤高清免費資源線上觀看:

連結: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Fz5f8Biu9Yd8NXE5I7ESdA

?pwd=eibn 提取碼: eibn

誰能告訴我 Top Gear 哪幾集好看

誰能告訴我 Top Gear 哪幾集好看?美國特輯,第二十二季第三集,第16季第3集,第22季第6集等比較突出,但總體上集集都不錯。

第6季E2 不是保時捷的二手雙門轎跑第8季E3 自制兩棲車

第9季E3 1千美金舊車穿越美國

第9季E6 自制加長禮賓車,很誇張

第10季E2 兩棲車續篇穿越英吉利海峽

第10季E4 兩驅車橫越波札那

第10季E7 二手ROVER

第11季E1 1000鎊舊車改警車

第11季E3 1000鎊的Alfa Romeo能給你帶來什麼

第11季E5 70年代的頂級豪華車

第12季E1 大卡車挑戰

第12季E6 造過好車嗎

第12季E8 越南摩托特別篇

第13季E1 60年前Top Gear Race是什麼樣子

第13季E2 假裝17歲開二手車

第13季E5 二手後驅車

第13季E6 老爺車拉力賽

第14季E6 二手四驅車南美雨林特別篇

第15季E2 適合賽道日的二手四門運動車

第15季E4 自制房車旅行挑戰

《最高檔 極地特輯》免費線上觀看完整版高清,求百度網盤資源

《最高檔 極地特輯》百度網盤高清資源免費線上觀看:

連結:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1vgQ-5b3FHcid1KssT0lMWA?pwd=ozp2 提取碼:ozp2

《最高檔 極地特輯 Top Gear: Polar Special》

導演: Nigel Simpkiss

主演: Jeremy Clarkson、Richard Hammond、James May

型別: 喜劇、紀錄片、冒險

製片國家/地區: 英國

語言: 英語

上映日期: 2007-07-25

片長: 64分鐘

又名: 巔峰拍檔 極地特輯

The team head to the North Pole by car - something never before attempted and something they were going to attempt by two different methods. One team composed of Jezza (Jeremy Clarkson) and Captain Slow (James May) in the car and the other team being Hamster (Richard Hammond), Mattie McNair (one of the world's leading sled-dog explorers and racers) and 10 huskie dogs.

The car (of course) was a Toyota Hilux kitted out with "Cuban Wheels" (as Jeremy called them), heavy ty suspension, a toughened sump-guard and heavy-ty fog-lamps (which turned out to be as useful as Captain Slow attempting a land-speed record). The dogs insisted on urinating on Hammond and fighting amongst themselves, but were definitely up to the job.

Each team would race each other but before they began, the guys were sent to a cold weather training camp to give them an idea of what they'd be facing. A doctor told them what would happen if they forgot to seal their trousers and how to go to the toilet without a polar bear giving them bother but the guys weren't taking him seriously. The next day Jeremy taught Hammond how to ski (despite Hamster's cries of fear) and a man from the British SAS with a distorted face showed Jeremy how cold it could be if he fell through a hole in the ice. Still, the Top Gear crew weren't taking the dangers seriously so legendary explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes was brought in to demonstrate how dangerous this region could be.

Eventually though, they were off. With a copious supply of gin, Jezza and Slow blitzed the open ground North of Camp Resolute and left Hamster in their powdered snow in pursuit of the pole. Hammond was the tortoise in this race and fell from his dog-sled with alarming regularity. This was until they reached the legendary 'boulder-fields' - huge lumps of snow and ice that would leave your average semi-detached property cowering in their shadows. As the ice started to crack beneath the wheels of the pickup-truck, the boys started to realize that they should have paid more attention to the warnings they had been given before they set off.

What followed was an adventure that involved Icelandic experts, a "bumper-mper", James May showing off with a pump-action shotgun, a cracked fuel-tank, broken ice, extreme cold, kite-surfing, inflating tyres with explosive gas, Jeremy forgetting that cold metal will stick to your lips, a pointless game of "I-Spy", and more excitement than you could ever expect from your every-day episode of the world's most popular motoring show.

top gear什麼意思


Top Gear是英國BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation-英國廣播公司)電視臺出品的一檔汽車節目。

求Top Gear 第20季高清免費線上觀看

《Top Gear 第20季》百度網盤高清免費資源線上觀看:

連結: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1PLWDCuACmEdfh2KvR8aODw

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湖南衛視即將推出大型汽車體驗類動感真人秀《最高檔(Top Gear)》

引進BBC《Top Gear》版權模式


觀看Top Gear,你不僅是在看一個單純的汽車節目,很多時候更像是在欣賞一部令你熱血沸騰的大製作電影!

標籤: gear top 高檔
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