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> 冰淇淋單詞怎麼寫


1. 冰淇淋的英語怎麼寫

ice cream


冰淇淋 [bīng qí lín]:ice cream,關於冰淇淋,(ice Cream,又名冰激凌、甜筒等)的起源有多種說法。草莓冰淇淋在中國很久以前就開始食用的“冰酪”(或稱“凍奶”,英文“Flozen Milk”,現稱冰淇淋,英文“Ice Cream”)。真正用奶油配製冰淇淋始於我國,據說是馬可·波羅從中國帶到西方去的。


1. 吃冰淇淋 Eat ice cream ; eat an ice cream ; Eating ice cream ; Ice cream

2. 綠茶冰淇淋 Green Tea Ice Cream ; Green Teamochi ice cream ; Ice Cream Green Tea

3. 水果冰淇淋 Sundae ; Fruit Ice Cream ; Fruity Pie ;

4. 烘烤冰淇淋 Baked Alaska

5. 冰淇淋粉 Powders for ice cream ; ice cream powder ; dried ice cream mix ; dry ice cream mix

6. 咖啡冰淇淋 Coffee Ice Cream ; coffee parfait ; Ice Cream Coffee ; Coffee

7. 冰淇淋勺 ice Cream Scoop ; Icecream spoon ; STEEL ICE-CREAM SCOOP

8. 鮮果冰淇淋 fruit ice cream ; Ice Cream

9. 冰淇淋頭痛 Ice Cream Headache


1. 他用麥杆吸冰淇淋汽水。

He sucked ice-cream soda through a straw.

2. 那小男孩吃了好幾滿盤冰淇淋。

The boy ate several dishfuls of ice cream.


3. 我一頓只吃麵包、香蕉和冰淇淋;難道我還算吃得多麼?

I only have a meal of bread, bananas and ice cream; do I pig out?

2. 冰淇淋的英語單詞怎麼寫

ice cream

英 [aɪs kri:m] 美 [aɪs krim]



Yoghurt Ice-cream 乳酪雪糕

Ice-cream Stick 棒冰 ; 冰糕棒

Blueberry Ice-cream 莓雪糕

ice-cream m 雪糕 ; 冰淇淋 ; 冰激凌




英 [dʒə'lɑːtəʊ] 美

n. (義大利語)冰淇淋

n. (Gelato)人名;(意)傑拉託


gelato pique 意式叮咬 ; 冰淇淋賭氣 ; 漸變 ; 睡裙

Apricot Gelato 杏意式冰淇淋 ; 杏冰淇淋 ; 杏仁色

gelato messina 西田城店 ; 達令港店


1、Two years ago, Bellos, 63, began researching gelato as an up-and-coming product.


2、W: We went to an oyster bar, and then we went to eat Chinese food. After that, we had Italian gelato, espresso, and。


3、I took them on as my friends; we'd circle through the city after class every day, then sit in the town square, dodging pigeons and eating gelato.


3. 冰淇淋的英文單詞

ice cream ice cream 1、音標 [英] [aɪs kri:m]、[美] [aɪs krim] 2、例句 (1)I'll get you some ice cream. 我會給你買些冰激凌。

(2)They stuffed themselves with icecreams, chocolate and lollies. 他們填了一肚子的冰激凌、巧克力和棒棒糖。 (3)I ate two dishes of ice cream. 我吃了兩碟冰淇淋。

(4)Ice cream is high in fat and sugar. 冰激凌富含脂肪和糖。 (5)The boy ate several dishfuls of icecream. 那小男孩吃了好幾滿盤冰淇淋。

(6)I'll bet they have yummy ice cream. 我敢打賭他們有非常好吃的冰激凌。 3、複數 ice creams 參考資料 百度翻譯:/sf_fanyi/?aldtype=85#en/zh/ice%20cream。

標籤: 單詞 冰淇淋
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