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> 擺破死英文怎麼寫





② Double Kill (雙連殺)

③ Multi Kill (多連殺)

④ Occur Kill (突然殺)

⑤ Unbreakable (牢不可破的)

⑥ Unbelievable (難以至信的)

⑦ You wanna a piece of me (你想修理我嗎)

⑧ Come get some (來吧,拿些東西?)

★ Head Shot (爆頭)


刀殺 Haha (潛伏者)

Hahahaha (保衛者)

炸死 Yeah (潛伏者)

Yes (保衛者)


② Double Kill

③ Multi Kill

④ Occur Kill

⑤ Unbreakable (潛伏者)

Unbelievable (保衛者)

⑥ Bring it on (潛伏者)

Wallow more come (保衛者)[可能有誤]

⑦ Is that all (潛伏者)

You wanna a piece of me (保衛者)

⑧ Come and get some (潛伏者)

This is awesome (保衛者)[應該是這個]

★ Head Shot 莫非是這個 ?

您旳支援就是我最大旳動力,希望您閱完採納,合作愉快。(*^__^*) ~


"Restrain one's grief "只是按字面去翻譯"節哀順便",你如果這樣說,別人會覺得怪怪的.以下是外國人在葬禮時常說的話

I am so sorry.

Tell me how I can help, I want to be here for you.

I'm praying for you.

Would it help if we prayed together?

[Name of deceased] was a good person and friend of mine. He/She will be missed.

Would you like a hug?

Please tell me what you are feeling right now, I have never been through something like this and can only imagine.

What do you need right now?

It's ok if you do not feel like talking right now. Just know that I am here to listen whenever you are ready.

My sympathy to you and your family



一血:佛斯特不辣的 第一個血液(就這個最準)

終結:傻擋(本來應該是傻特擋,但是“特”被連讀省略了) 停止下來

大殺特殺:KO(哦)零 死破瑞 前三個連讀,後三個連讀。 無節制的歡樂殺戮

標籤: 擺破
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